My Story


Hi, I am Dan Christianson and I live in central Wisconsin. I spent several years sitting behind a desk, seeing “cool” places online and dreaming of adventures. I wanted to see the United States in person, not just through a screen.

In 2019, I made myself a commitment to leave the screen behind and reach the highest point in all 50 states. This isn’t a typical goal, but I wanted to challenge myself with a unique opportunity. So far, my accomplishments have been very rewarding. The high-points have been absolutely breathtaking - both from the views and the elevations lol - and some have been pretty funny, like Nebraska in the middle of a buffalo field.

So, join me as I wander around the country and summit more high-points. I’m not a expert, just a guy that likes a good challenge and viewing the world from a new angle. In addition to the high-points, I’ll share my thoughts on other adventures, hiking, camping, backpacking and traveling on a budget. See you at the top!

I am not lost, I am Wandering